African Elephant

 African Elephant by Declan O, Luca H, Noah G, and Talia B, Ms Rabina's 6th grade class, Thomas Starr King Middle School, 2013. Fabric paint, rubber stamps, and felt applique.
African Elephant by Declan O, Luca H, Noah G, and Talia B.  Ms Rabina’s 6th grade class, Thomas Starr King Middle School, 2013.  Fabric paint, rubber stamps, and felt applique.

The African Elephant (Loxodonta africana) is the largest living land animal. They are highly intelligent with brains similar in structure and complexity to humans. Their population has long been at risk due to poaching for the ivory in their tusks. They are now also in danger due to the effects of climate change on their habitat.

For more about the African Elephant go to:

To help Elephants in Africa go to:

For WWF’s Hands Off My Parts page go to:

Blue Spotted Salamander

Blue Spotted Salamander by Asiful A, Charles, and Daniel, Ms Rabina's 6th grade class, 2013. Fabric and ribbon applique, with rubber stamps.
Blue Spotted Salamander by Asiful A, Charles W, and Daniel R.  Ms Rabina’s 6th grade class, 2013. Fabric and ribbon applique, with rubber stamps.

The Blue Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma laterale) is a good example of a species labeled as endangered within its respective area. According to the IUCN Red list they are labeled ‘least concerned’, but are labeled endangered by many states within their habitat.  Amphibians in general are in danger. After being on earth for 300 million years, more than 120 species may have become extinct within the last several decades. At present, 1 out of every 3 species of amphibians is at risk of extinction

To learn more go to:

Sea Otter

Sea Otter by Natalie, Saul, Riccardo and Olinga. Ms Harada's 6th grade class, Thomas Starr King Middle School, 2013. Fabric and faux fur applique with rubber stamps, and string.
Sea Otter by Natalie S, Saul R, Riccardo M and Olinga.  Ms Harada’s 6th grade class, Thomas Starr King Middle School, 2013.  Fabric and faux fur applique with rubber stamps and string.

Sea Otters (Enhydra lutris) are marine mammals and members of the weasel family. They are the only marine mammal to rely on their fur instead of fat for warmth. Their fur is the thickest of any mammal and the primary reason for their decline in numbers.  Starting in the the mid 1700’s to the early part of the 20th century, Sea Otters were hunted for their fur leading them to the brink of extinction.

For more on Sea Otters go to:

For info on Sea Otter conservation go to:


Polar Bear

Polar Bear by Daniele S, Henry, and Jasmine. Ms Harada's 6th grade class , Thomas Starr King Middle School, 2013. Fabric and faux fur applique with rubber stamps.
Polar Bear by Daniele S, Henry, and Jasmine P.  Ms Harada’s 6th grade class , Thomas Starr King Middle School, 2013. Fabric and faux fur applique with rubber stamps.

Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus) are one of the largest bears, weighing as much as 1,500 lbs. The Polar Bear is currently listed as threatened under the US Endangered Species Act. Because they are at the top of the arctic food chain and depend heavily on sea ice for their survival, they have become a key indicator species in the fight against climate change.

For more information go to:

Black Footed Ferret

Black Footed Ferret by Zoe, Anna, Dhea, and Kota. Felt and fabric applique with hand lettering. Mr Harada's 2013 class
Black Footed Ferret by Zoe D, Anna F, Dhea A, and Kota O.  Ms Harada’s 6th grade class, Thomas Starr King Middle School, 2013.  Felt and fabric applique with hand lettering.

Black Footed Ferrets (Mustela nigripes) are the only ferret native to North America. Their primary source of food and shelter is the prairie dog, which accounts for 90% of their diet.

As settlers killed off prairie dogs and destroyed their tunnels, the Black Footed Ferret population also declined. By the mid 1900 they were thought to be extinct. But a small population was found alive in Wyoming in the 1980’s; those18 individuals were placed in a captive breeding program. Today, there are approximately 750 living in the wild.

To learn more about Black Footed Ferrets go to:

For a Black Footed Ferret fact sheet go to:

For information on threats to the Black Footed Ferret go to:

The Black Footed Ferret Society at:

West Indian Manatee

West Indian Manatee (Trichechus manatus) by Becca F, Bethany S, Cameron R, and Stella K, Ms Rabina's 6th grade class, Thomas Starr King, 2013. Fabric applique and rubber stamps.
West Indian Manatee  by Becca F, Bethany S, Cameron R, and Stella K.  Ms Rabina’s 6th grade class, Thomas Starr King Middle School, 2013. Fabric applique and rubber stamps.

The West Indian Manatee (Trichechus manatus) is the largest surviving member of the order Sirenia. They are thought to have been mistaken for mermaids by sailors who had been at sea for too long. Threats to the West Indian Manatee include habitat loss, and injury and death due to commercial and recreational boating.

For more on West Indian Manatees go to:

Whooping Crane

Whooping Crane by Jordan, Henry, and Yulong.
Whooping Crane by Jordan W, Henry G, and Yu Long Y.  Ms Harada’s 6th grade class Thomas Starr King Middle School, 2013.  Fabric applique, rubber stamps, and embroidery.

Whooping Cranes (Grus americana) are the tallest North American bird and one of only two crane species on the continent. Brought to the verge of extinction in the 1940’s due to habitat loss and excessive hunting, there are now over 500, either in captivity or in the wild. As part of the conservation program, young cranes are trained to follow an ultralight aircraft to learn their traditional migratory routes.

For more info go to:

For live chick cam go to:

Rothschild’s Giraffe

Rothschild's Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi), by Apple C, Daniella I, Naia B, and Tiffany L,  Ms Rabina's 6th grade class, Thomas Starr king Middle School, 2013. Felt and fabric applique, embroidery, rubber stamps and false eyelashes.
Rothschild’s Giraffe by Apple C, Daniella I, Naia B, and Tiffany L.  Ms Rabina’s 6th grade class, Thomas Starr King Middle School, 2013.
Felt and fabric applique, embroidery, rubber stamps and false eyelashes.

The Rothschild’s Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi) is the world’s most endangered giraffe. Most giraffe species are listed as ”of least concern”. But with only several hundred left in the wild, the Rothschild’s Giraffe in considered endangered. This beautiful giraffe can be distinguished from other subspecies by the lack of markings below the knee.

For more about the Rothschild’s Giraffe go to:

For more on Giraffes in general go to:

Siberian Tiger

Siberian Tiger by Valerie, Noa, Nathan, and Angel. Ms Harada's 6th grade class, Thomas Starr King Middle School, 2013. Fabric paint and rubber stamps on unbleached muslin.
Siberian Tiger by Valerie B, Noah P, Nathan C, and Angel T.  Ms Harada’s 6th grade class, Thomas Starr King Middle School, 2013.  Fabric paint and rubber stamps on unbleached muslin.


The Siberian or Amur Tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) is the largest of the world’s wild cats. It lives primarily in the birch forests of eastern Russia, China and North Korea. There are currently estimated to be between 400 and 500 Siberian Tigers in the wild.

The belief in traditional Chinese medicine that tiger parts have medicinal properties has greatly reduced the number of critically endangered tiger species.  The trade in all tigers and their parts and derivatives are prohibited by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). It’s worth noting that medicines containing ground parts are harder to police. Fortunately other sustainable natural remedies exist and should be used.


For more on the Siberian Tiger go to:

For recent developments go to:

For more on Tigers and traditional Chinese medicine go to:

 For information on CITES go to:

For a link to WWF’s Hands Off My Parts page go to:

California Condor

California Condor by Taiyo, Connor F, Anthony U, and Alex H. Ms Harada's 6th grade class, 2013. Felt on fabric with fabric paint.
California Condor by Taiyo D, Connor F, Anthony U, and Alex H.  Ms Harada’s 6th grade class,  Thomas Starr King Middle School, 2013.  Felt on fabric with fabric paint.

The California Condor (Gymnogyps californianus)
is the largest land bird in North America. Their wingspan can reach 10 feet. In 1987 all 22 remaining California Condors were taken into captivity as part of a captive breeding program at the San Diego and Los Angeles Zoos. Through this program, their numbers grew and starting in 1991 birds were released into the wild.

In resent years the wild population has been threatened by the use of lead based bullets used by hunters. As scavengers, the birds would feast upon carcasses killed by hunters, sometime ingesting the lead bullets. Thankfully, on October 11, 2013 California Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 711 into law, making California the first state to completely ban the use of lead in hunting ammunition. The California Fish and Game Commission has until July of 2019 to fully implement the law.


For more on the California Condor go to:

To read about threats to the California Condor go to:

For the San Diego Zoo live cam go to:

For news on the lead bullet ban go to: